Our Soup Lunch is held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the Month
Come along and join us for hot tasty soup and bread
Pate, Cheese and Hot Drink
All are welcome

Donations Gratefully Received

SOUP LUNCHES (or Sloop and Chobble)
The Methodist Church here in Tarvin
Don't want any folk to be starvin';
So they put on soup lunches,
Don't pull any punches,
Those lovely good people of Tarvin.

With soup there's warm bread - nice and crusty,
Great cheese - and it's really not musty;
They go the extra mile
And serve with a smile
And the cutlery's not even dusty!

But some time ago those good folk did meet
And dreamed up a nice Christmas treat:
Roast chicken would be served
With the trimmings it deserved,
And a pudding that couldn't be beat. 
Decorated tables, with crackers as well,
We diners were happy – I'm sure you could tell;

When good deeds were asked for, many answered the call,
So let's give our warm thanks, to one and to all: helpers.....
    chair and table arranger....

                                                             K.E.B.  Dec. 2021